How to grow Spring Onion in just 10 days?
Organic Spring Onion Grow your own spring onion in just 10 days! Spring onion is used in many dishes especially in soups, salad, Asian and Chinese cuisine. Spring Onions can be eaten raw, cooked, fried and served as a garnish . Tastes awesome with stir fried meat or veggies. Fresh herbs from my Kitchen garden I love to grow different varieties of herbs in my kitchen garden and use my own fresh herbs for day to day cooking. Freshly harvested organic herbs give awesome taste, aroma and flavour to the dish. Moreover, homegrown herbs & veggies are very healthy as they are free from any pesticides and chemicals. Growing Spring onion is the easiest task among all the herbs as it doesn't need any special care. It can be grown quickly and easily and ready to harvest in just 10 days. All you need is shallots, soil, water & sunlight! Follow these simple steps and grow your own organic spring onion at home!...