Quickest way to break or grate hard jaggery

Quickest way to break or grate hard jaggery

Jaggery is one of the main sweetner used in many sweets. 

Different types of jaggery is available these days. Soft jaggery is very easy to use whereas hard one is very difficult to break or grate. 

Most of the time I find only hard jaggery in the stores   & struggle to break it . 

Here is a quick & easy way to break it into smaller pieces or grate it. 

Follow these simple easy steps:

Place the jaggery block on a microwave-safe bowl. 

Heat it in the microwave oven just for 20-25 seconds.( Heating time depends on the size of the block) Do not heat for a long time as it will start melting. 

Remove and keep aside for 30 seconds. 

It will turn soft & can easily be broken into pieces. 

You can grate or scrape easily. 

Please note:

Heating time depends on the size of the jaggery block. 

Around 200 gm piece needs only 20-25 seconds. 

Smaller pieces needs less time & larger chunks needs more time. 

Hope you like this trick. Thanks a lot for visiting my blog. 


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