This is a perfect summer treat for your family.  

I have tried baking different types of cakes, but the cakes with seasonal fruits are the best ones. 

The advantage of using fruits in the cake is that you can use less sugar as the fruits  used have natural  sweetness.

The texture, colour & taste of this cake totally depends on the quality of mangoes used.  I have tried using different mangoes but Alphonso variety gave the best results. 

This is a very easy, simple & super delicious cake which can be enjoyed during tea time. 

I have baked it in the air fryer.  You can bake it in oven or in the cooker. 

Here is a step by step recipe. 



  • 1&1/2 cup Semolina/ fine rava ( 250 gms)
  • 3/4th cup sugar ( 125 gms)( as per your choice)
  • 1&1/2cups of milk (250 ml)
  • 1/2 cup ghee/oil(100ml)
  • Pulp of 1 mango
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • Pinch of cardamom powder
  • Few chopped dry fruits


Add rava to mixer grinder jar & grind to fine powder. I have used bombay rava. 

Select good quality ripe mango. I have used Alphonso mango. 
Add mango cubes to the mixer grinder jar along with sugar & grind to smooth paste. 

Into the mixing bowl add ground rava, ghee, ground mango pulp, pinch of salt , milk & mix well. 

Now add baking powder, baking soda, cardamom powder & mix . Keep aside for 10 minutes. 

Add little milk if required to have a dropping consistency batter. 

Preheat the oven/ air fryer. 

Grease baking tin. Pour the cake mixture. 

Sprinkle some dry fruits of your choice.

Bake for 18-20 minutes ( in air fryer) at 180°C.

Insert a skewer & make sure it comes out clean. 

Cool completely. 

Cut into desired pieces. 

Delicious cake is ready. Enjoy with your loved ones. 


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