Ponsachi Patholi/Steamed jackfruit cake/Pelakai Gatti/ Jackfruit Patholi


This traditional Mangalorean delicacy is loved by most of us. This sweet dish is best enjoyed on a cool rainy day. This is called as 'ponsachi patholi' in konkani & 'pelakai gatti' in tulu language. 

The aroma of  jackfruit spreads over the entire house while steaming this delicious sweet. 

This sweet is prepared using rice, jackfruit & jaggery paste.  The ground batter is placed in teak leaves & steamed. 

Teak leaves give this red colour to the steamed patholis.  The jaggery used in the preparation depends on the sweetness of jackfruit pods.

This dish is usually prepared in the monsoon season when Jackfruits are available. But the jackfruit pods can be stored in the freezer & can prepare any such sweets whenever required. 

Here is a recipe for this traditional delicacy. 



  • 2 cups of boiled rice
  • 1&1/2 cup jackfruit pods
  • 1/2-3/4th cup jaggery ( as per your choice)
  • 4-5 pepper corns
  • 1 cardamom
  • Salt to taste. 

1 cup coconut pieces are needed. (Use as per your choice. You can add grated coconut too)

Few teak leaves are required for wrapping the batter. (You can use banana leaves too but it will not give this texture & colour)


Clean, wash & soak rice for  minimum 5-6 hours , drain & keep aside. 

Select good quality jackfruit pods.  Remove seeds & use only the flesh.

To make the grinding process easier i grind the jackfruit pods first. 

Add rice to jackfruit paste & grind along with  jaggery, cardamom, pepper & salt to taste. You can add a handful of coconut if you wish.  You can add half a cup of water while grinding. Dont use more water. 

Grind to fine thick paste. 

Chopped coconut pieces give extra taste & crunch to this dish. I add lots of pieces in the batter. 

Add coconut pieces to the ground batter. 

Mix well & place required quantity of batter in the middle of cleaned teak leaves. 
Fold on all sides as shown in the picture. 

Add required water to the steaming vessel & boil. Place the wrapped patholis in the steaming vessel. Boil for 25-30 minutes. 

Steamed patholis. 

 Slightly cool  & unwrap the leaves.   

Cut patholis into desired slices. 

Delicious patholis are ready.

Enjoy with your loved ones on a cool rainy day.  


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