Homemade Ghee


There are many, many benefits of consuming pure home-made ghee. If you consume pure home-made ghee on a regular basis, it will boost your mental as well as physical strength. This will help in keeping your body fit and fighting off illnesses.

Besides this, ghee is also known as a body cleanser as it removes impurities from your body. It strengthens your eyesight, your muscles and tendons.

Ghee is expensive but can be prepared easily at home  free of cost with cream collected from milk on daily basis.  

Here is a very easy method of preparing ghee at home. 

All you need is:

1. Cream collected from milk on daily basis &
2. Electronic Hand blender.


Step 1

Collect cream from boiled & cooled milk on daily basis & store in a container. Store container in the freezer.  Collect cream for about a month.  Previous day of preparing ghee, store the container in the cooler. 

Put this chilled cream in a large vessel & blend with electric blender. 

Step 2:

Within 6-7 minutes you can find butter seperating from cream. 

Step 4:

Collect milk contents in another vessel.

Step 5:

Retain butter in the same vessel & heat. 

Step 6

Heat butter well till bubbles  start rising up as shown in this picture. Switch off the flame. Ghee is ready. This process  takes nearly 6-7 minutes. Cool & store in clean bottles. 

Step 7:

Freshly prepared ghee

Step 8:

Heat milk contents. Add juice of half a lemon & boil. 

You can find Paneer seperated from milk whey. 

Step 9:

Strain & collect paneer. This can be used for paneer burji or paneer parata. 

Step 10. 

Milk whey collected after seperating paneer can be consumed directly as it has excellent health benefits. 

Prepare your own homemade ghee & stay healthy.


  1. thanks. I never knew we could make paneer. The cream collected is of one month old, can we consume the milk whey?

  2. Such excellent job and pictures, you are an irreplaceable asset to our group.


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