Do you know apple cider vinegar can be prepared  easily at home with  less cost??
Simple easy process which gives excellent result. 

Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.  It  offers health benefits, such as aiding weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving the symptoms of diabetes.

Final Product

First Day

21st day


All you need is:
  • Clean dry jar,
  • Filtered water
  • Apples,
  • Sugar, 
  • Cheesecloth, 
  • Rubber band


Just chop apples with skin , place it in a clean glass jar. Pour filtered water to same level. You can add 1/2 cup extra water. Add sugar in the proportion of 1:1 ( 1 tsp per apple).  Sugar is very essential for fermentation purpose.  Mix well. Cover with cheesecloth & secure with rubber band, leave it for 3 weeks in cool dark area.  Stir daily once with clean dry wooden  spoon.   After 3 weeks strain the liquid & store in clean bottles. This itself gives best results but further if u preserve this strained liquid for another 3 weeks you willl get excellent result. 

Aromatic, healthy apple cider vinegar is ready with less cost. 😋


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