BASALE PUNDI This is the traditional delicacy of tulu Nadu. It is called as ' Basale Pundi' in local ( tulu) language which is nothing but rice dumplings in malbar spinach gravy. 'Basale' in tulu/ kannada language means Malabar spinach and 'Pundi' in tulu language refers to rice dumplings. Due to lack of space, i grow Malabar spinach in pots. The lush green leaves always tempt me to try out some different dishes . Usually , only the leaves are used to prepare this dish. But i love to add tender, juicy stems too. This dish is best enjoyed on a cool rainy day. Preparing rice dumplings is little time consuming. But if prepared well in advance, this dish can be prepared easily & quickly. Some add prawns or clams to this dish. ( You can add prawns or clams while boiling Malabar spinach) This is the best dish to relish for breakfast , lunch or dinner....